Social media policies in leading mainstream news organisations

Curated list of public-facing social media policies available in Australia; Britain; Canada; Ireland, Italy, Spain and the U.S
*The guidelines must be publicly available online to be included*

1. ABC Australia Exhaustive and excellent Older version

2. Agence France Presse  Updated version Older version

3. AP Guidelines (2013) Detailed advice on retweets

AP revised Guidelines (2022) Update May 2022  

4. BBC 2020 guidance / Virtue signalling

BBC 2019 guidance / Be aware of risks

BBC 2015 guidance / Don’t do anything stupid

5. BuzzFeed 

6. CBC Canada Updated 2017 – new link added 2019

7. CAJ Canada Last updated 2011

8. CHANNEL 4 n/d

9. CNN – goes to a pdf download

9. ESPN Must for aspiring sports journos Updated 2017 

10. Globe and Mail  Updated 2017

11. Guardian (UK) 2022

12. IPSO UK Independent Press Standards Organization Updated 2016

13. LA Times  No public update since 2009

14. La Stampa, Italy English translation (c/o Alessandro Cappai) Updated 2016

15. New York Times Updated 2017

16. NPR Updated 2021

17. Reuters 

18. RTÉ 2022 much more specific

RTÉ  2013 – very general guidance

19. RTDNA No date

20. SKY News 2014/2015

21. Washington Post Last updated 2011  Article about proposed (and contested) changes 2017

22. Wall Street Journal 2009 Memo to WSJ Staff 2017

Data basics for new or student journalists

First: Catch your data! Here are some places to fish for data

Extract your data from horrible PDFs and/or scraping

Tidy your data

Google/Open Refine Download here

Use the Power Tools add-on in Google to make cleaning columns a breeze.

Visualize your data (work in progress)




Random links


How shrinking technology is shrinking barriers for journalists


The fall semester is just about to start and I am rewriting my syllabus *again* to reflect the fact that journalism has changed *again,* since the last time I rewrote it in the spring. In fact, I have rewritten the syllabus every semester since starting teaching in 2008 to try and keep my students as up-to-date as is humanly possible.

This semester there will be an even greater emphasis on learning how to learn, learning how to work in teams, and learning what needs to be learned to work in post-industrial journalism. We will specifically work on projects involving words, sound, images, social, coding, data and interactive video.

All change

My background is writing and design for print and the web. But I now know enough about audio and video editing to be proficient enough to train journalists in web video. I won’t be putting anyone at CNN out of a job any time soon but I do know that I could not have done this 20 years ago. Or even 10 years ago.

The incredibly shrinking technology that makes iPhones possible has also shrunk the barriers in journalism. Journalists used to train and work in distinctly separate areas because the money, hardware and technology needed for print, TV and radio made it impossible for one journalist or one news organization to do everything.

The iPhone (and its counterparts) have fundamentally changed the process of journalism in ways that are still only becoming clear. There is even a field guide to mobile reporting from the grad school at Berkeley

Thanks to smaller technology it IS possible for a single outlet to publish on multiple platforms. It is also possible for a single journalist to write their own scripts, shoot their own video, take still shots and capture great sound.

This is why we work with everything in JRNL 80. Journalists are expected to know how to use an iPhone (or similar) to capture images and sound and make their content searchable and sociable.

Oh yes, and you’re also expected to know how to write for publication.

Let’s get started shall we?!
