Publications: peer-reviewed
Fincham, K (Forthcoming) News organizations and Twitter: Best practice for new and student journalists. In G. Gumpert, S. Drucker, Social Media Laws and Ethics Vol II. New York, Peter Lang. In Press.
Fincham, K (2021) Business as Usual: How Journalism’s Professional Logics Continue to Shape News Organization Policies Around Social Media Audiences, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2021.1991437
Fincham, K (2019) Exploring Political Journalism Homophily on Twitter: A Comparative Analysis of US and UK Elections in 2016 and 2017. Media and Communication. Cogitatio. DOI:
Mihailidis, P., Fincham, K., Cohen, J. (2015) Towards a Media Literate Model for Civic Identity on Social Networks: Exploring Notions of Community, Participation, and Identity of University Students on Facebook (HAJC-2012-0649). Atlantic Journal of Communication. DOI:
Fincham, K. (2014) These views are my own. The private and public self in the digital media sphere. In Zion L, Craig, D, Ethics for Digital Journalists: Emerging Best Practices. New York, Routledge.
Fincham, K. (2013). Toward a new code of ethics. Social Media in Journalism. In G. Gumpert, S. Drucker, Social Media Laws and Ethics. New York, Peter Lang.
Presentations: peer-reviewed
Fincham, K (2022) Speaker: World Journalism Education Conference June 2022 Teaching though mobile technology during a cyber-attack (in a pandemic)
Fincham, K (2022) Speaker: World Journalism Education Conference June 2022 Teaching writing and reporting-intensive courses online
Fincham, K (2021, October). Politics as usual? A case study of candidates on Twitter in the Dublin Bay South by-election. Political Studies Association of Ireland National Conference. UCD, Ireland.
Fincham, K (2019, October). Female political journalists sidelined as ‘boys on the bus’ dominate Twitter interactions. Political Studies Association of Ireland National Conference. Maynooth, Ireland.
Fincham, K (2019, May) #Twitterfail for news organizations: How newsroom Twitter policies fail to guide journalists on engagement. International Communication Association Conference. Washington, DC.
Fincham, K (2018, May) US political reporting and sourcing in the 2016 US Presidential Election. International Communication Association Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
Fincham K, (2017, October) The hybrid media system in the 2016 US presidential election. International Journal of Press Politics, Oxford University, UK.
Fincham K, (2016, October) Journalism and politics in the 2016 Irish general election, Political Studies Association of Ireland National Conference, Belfast, Ireland.
Fincham, K. (2011, March.) Twitter and the Irish General Elections of 2011. Crossing Boundaries. Graduate School of Journalism, Berkeley University, California.
Fincham, K. (2011, October). Connecting students to the news. Convergence and Society: Journalism, Sustainability and Media Regeneration. University of Columbia, South Carolina
Fincham, K. (2011, October). Using Storify to connect news in the classroom. Annual conference. The New York State Communication Association, Ellenville, N.Y.